Friday, May 11, 2007

I'm Done!!!

I am officially done with my freshman year of college!!! What a great feeling! I took my last final today, and it was a Spanish one. It went alright. After that, I came back and finished cleaning my room and packing things up. I can't believe how much stuff I made fit into my dorm room---it's unbelievable! Most of the people from the cube where I live in Coate Hall have already gone home for the summer, but there are a few of us who are still left and we are hanging out tonight. Tomorrow I am going home for the summer! It was a little sad saying goodbye to all the wonderful people I have met this year. Then again, most of us will all be back together again in three months. The hard part is that some of my friends are transfering schools and will not be back for the fall semester. We have already planned to meet up later on. That's something to look forward to. But for now, I will just concentrate on enjoying my summer! Until the fall...


Wednesday, May 9, 2007

One down, One to go

I took my math final this afternoon and it went extremely well!! I was soo happy! I spent A LOT of time studying for it considering I had the weekend, Monday, Tuesday, and most of today to prepare for it. All my hard work definitely paid off!! I felt like I confidently knew how to answer every single problem on the test, which was such a great feeling considering I had struggled in the class for a good part of the semester. I can't even put into words how good it feels!!!!!!!!! :)
Now, I am going to take the night off tonight and relax---maybe watch a movie or something. I need a break from studying. I do have a Spanish final that I have to take on Friday afternoon. I think I will pack up most of my stuff and clean the room tomorrow and squeeze some studying in too. Also, I think I might hike the bluffs tomorrow evening since it is so beautiful out now. I will have to study for Spanish tomorrow and probably again on Friday before the test. I am not as worried about the Spanish final as I was about the precalculus final, mostly because I have been doing pretty well in Spanish class all semester. I must say that it is definitely a good feeling to have my hardest final done!! (I do have to mention that it is not typical to have only 2 finals, most people have 3 or 4 depending on their course schedule.)

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Winding Down...

The year is winding down, but there is still a lot to do. Classes officially ended for the spring semester on Friday. Friday was also loft return day. We had to take down our bed lofts and return them. It was a job in itself carrying the pieces down the stairs and half-way across campus. Oddly enough, it was kind of funny because all of our friends were doing it together.
On Saturday, I worked on a paper for my honors class called Gender, Power, and Privilege. The class was really interesting and it opened my eyes to a lot of things that I had not considered before. It was a very good experience overall and it really made me think about things. After finishing my paper, I went to a concert for the UW-L Gospel Choir in Valhalla in Cartwright Center. It was sooo GOOD!!! One of my friends who is graduating is in the choir and I went to watch her. Then, I came back to Coate Hall for Coate Bash. It was like an end of the year celebration before everyone gets too overwhelmed with finals. There was live music, inflatable games, sand volleyball (each hall has a sand volleyball court for students to use!), a grill out, raffles, and prizes. It was a really FUN time!!
Today, I am going to enjoy which is probably going to be my last day of semi-relaxation before I start getting consumed in studying for finals. Only a week left and then I will be going home!