Wednesday, May 9, 2007

One down, One to go

I took my math final this afternoon and it went extremely well!! I was soo happy! I spent A LOT of time studying for it considering I had the weekend, Monday, Tuesday, and most of today to prepare for it. All my hard work definitely paid off!! I felt like I confidently knew how to answer every single problem on the test, which was such a great feeling considering I had struggled in the class for a good part of the semester. I can't even put into words how good it feels!!!!!!!!! :)
Now, I am going to take the night off tonight and relax---maybe watch a movie or something. I need a break from studying. I do have a Spanish final that I have to take on Friday afternoon. I think I will pack up most of my stuff and clean the room tomorrow and squeeze some studying in too. Also, I think I might hike the bluffs tomorrow evening since it is so beautiful out now. I will have to study for Spanish tomorrow and probably again on Friday before the test. I am not as worried about the Spanish final as I was about the precalculus final, mostly because I have been doing pretty well in Spanish class all semester. I must say that it is definitely a good feeling to have my hardest final done!! (I do have to mention that it is not typical to have only 2 finals, most people have 3 or 4 depending on their course schedule.)