Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I just finished registering for classes online. It was very stressful!! I was trying to plan out my schedule and take the classes that I need to have completed before I can apply to the Radiation Therapy program. You see the way it works is that there is an order that students have to follow when they register for classes. Basically, the people with the most credits get to register first and so on. Currently, I have 40 credits so I got to register at 3:40pm today. I took 15 credits last semester and 16 credits this semester. I also had 9 credits that transfered from AP tests and other college courses I had taken in high school. It really helps to have credits coming in before you even start your freshman year because then you are farther ahead in the line to register for classes. This is pretty important since general education courses fill up fast, especially those taught by popular professors. I am satisfied with the schedule I have for next fall, even though I didn't get everything that I had planned on. I'll just have to keep checking the classes online to see if anyone drops the courses I want and then there will be an opening. Hopefully everything will work just takes time and patience (like a lot of other things)!
