Friday, October 3, 2008


This weekend I am going on "Fall Retreat" as part of Campus Crusade for Christ. We are going to a camp in Iowa for the weekend. I am really excited for all the opportunities I am going to have to get to know other people from around campus. It is going to be a sweet time! :D

Some of the residents (students) in my cube and within Coate Hall are going as well so I will get the chance to get to know them a little better on another level. Things in Coate Hall are going amazingly well and I am having a blast!! The other night myself and another RA dressed up as people from The Matrix and had some fun while we did our duty round (making sure the hall is safe and secure). It was a lot of fun for us and the people we encountered!

So now that the first round of tests is over for me, I am really looking forward to a nice weekend of fun and relaxation...until Sunday night when I will be forced to do my homework. But for the moment, I'm off to FALL RETREAT! :)