Friday, April 27, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy

I have so much to do before the end of the semester. AHH!! This morning I went to speech class and ate breakfast at Whitney afterwards. Then I gathered some of the stuff in my room together and put it into a box. My mom came down this morning and I sent the box of stuff I don't need anymore home with her---that way, when it comes time to move out, I won't have as much stuff.
Next, I am going to go to the language listening lab in Graff Main Hall. I have to do some listening activities on the computer for my Spanish class. It is a pretty interesting program that I use and it really helps me learn Spanish. The same program is available in different languages including French and German.
Then after that, I am going to work on writing my speech that I have to give on Monday. That way, I can practice it a lot over the weekend. My professor is very helpful because she said that I could email her my outline and she would look over it giving me suggestions about things I should change. I really appreciate when professors take the extra time to help students because they actually care about their success.
Tonight, I am going to the bonfire at Coate Hall. It looks like it's going to be a lot of fun! There is going to be food, music, games, and smores of course!
Well, I better get going so I get everything done before the bonfire!!
